Battle Types

Post has published by Neutrino Gaming

Battle sizes vary depending on game mode
Free For All: 3-20 players
Versus: 1 vs. 1 to 10 vs. 10


Last gladiator or team standing wins.
Gladiators will not respawn after death.
Horses and chariots are not available in this battle.


First gladiator or team to reach the kill goal before the timer ends wins.
If the kill goal is not reached when the timer ends the gladiator or team with the most kills wins.
Gladiators respawn after death.
Horses and chariots are not available in this battle.


You or your team need to hold the Century’s Eagle Standard for a certain amount of time to win.
Gladiators can not attack while holding the Century’s Eagle Standard.
A Gladiator’s movement speed is reduced while holding the Century’s Eagle Standard.
Gladiators will respawn after death.
Horses and chariots are not available in this battle.


You are chained to another player and must work together to survive.
Last gladiator or chained group of 2 standing wins.
Gladiators do not respawn after death.
If your partner dies you can sever their hand to free yourself from their corpse.
Horses and chariots are not available in this battle.


Last gladiator or team standing wins.
Gladiators will not respawn after death.
As the battle progresses the following animals will be released in this order: Lions > Tigers > Bears > Bulls > Elephants.
Horses and Chariots are not available in this battle.


There are 2 teams, the Essedarius (gladiators on chariots) and the Underdogs (gladiators on foot).
Teams will rotate from Essedarius to Underdogs each round.
All gladiators on a team need to be killed to win the round.
If the round timer ends with gladiators still alive then the team with the most kills wins the round.
The first team to win 5 rounds wins.
Gladiators do not respawn after death until the current round ends.
Chariots hold a maximum of 2 gladiators, the Driver and the Fighter.
Gladiators can mount any chariot if they are not destroyed and have no riders.
Chariots becomes unusable if either horse dies.
Two horse and a chariot must be equipped to compete in this battle.
Free-For-All is not available for this battle.


“Gods have mercy, for I leave the fate of my life in your hands. I’m sorry.”
-Manius Cassian