In-Game Store

Post has published by Neutrino Gaming

The in-game store allows players to purchase a small selection of account specific items.


Aurei is a gold coin that’s purchased with real money and can be used to buy the following in-game.

  • Gladiators
  • Horses
  • Chariots
  • Companions
  • Graffiti
  • Inventory & Stash Pages

Centurion Subscriptions

Subscriptions are an optional addition for players to add account wide bonus to various in-game features. They last from 30 days to 1 year depending on which one you choose and give the following bonuses.

  • 10% experience bonus for currently equipped gladiators
  • 5% more denarii from all in-game rewards
  • 5% discount on all in-game purchases (excluding the store)
  • 10% discount on all repairs
  • Stacks with Offerings


There are 2 offerings to gods, Jupiter and Mars. They are a short duration account wide drink that gives the following bonuses.

  • Offering to Jupiter
    • 10% experience bonus for equipped gladiators
    • Stacks with Centurion Subscriptions
    • Lasts for 6 hours (pauses when offline)
  • Offering to Mars
    • 20% experience bonus for equipped gladiators
    • Stacks with subscriptions
    • Lasts for 8 hours (pauses when offline)

Account Services

  • Rename Account
    • Allows a player to change the name of their account
  • Rename Ludus
    • Allows a player to change the name of their ludus

“Pluto, I offer to you this golden token of devotion, in exchange I ask that you bless the citizens of Rome, for they feed my family.”
-Gaia Ettore