
Post has published by Neutrino Gaming

Shadows of Glory is a free-to-play online roman gladiator combat multiplayer game for PC.

The year is 48 BCE, Gaius Julius Caesar has just defeated Pompey and reigns over Rome. Life in Rome is bloodier now than it has ever been before with murders, executions, assassinations, betrayal of friends and loved ones, crime and society’s loss of moral direction. The citizens of Rome struggle now more than ever to survive during this time of uncertainty while the wealthy fight for unimaginable riches and have an unyielding desire for power.

Experience life as a roman gladiator fighting in the Colosseum and win your freedom. Choose between 45 unique gladiators, level them up and complete their legacy questlines. Customize their specialties and attacks, armor, weapons and more. Unlock your horses and companions, upgrade your chariots, create a ludus and team up with your friends. Battle online in 6 unique game modes with up to 20 players in free-for-all or versus up to 10 vs. 10 with your gladiators, horses and chariots.

We are the Shadows of Glory and we will not be forgotten. What will your legacy be?
-Alcaeus Erastos