Development Blog: January 2, 2024

Happy new year gladiators!

Sprints #34-36 have come to an end and Sprint #37 has begun. Last quarter we continued focusing on set dressing Rome, version 2 of the Colosseum and recording voice commands. Before we go into detail about what was worked on we are excited to announce that will be doing a Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of Glory later this year. We have quite a bit of work ahead of us though before that as we continue to focus on the backend and visual aspects of certain elements in the game. Moving into the next quarter we will continue to set dress Rome, model and texture the Colosseum, record and edit voice commands and continue working on our Kickstarter campaign.


  • Attack effort sounds and triggers implemented for hit, swing, dismember, death, and sprint
  • Fixed – dragging the same item icon back and forth between stash and inventory doesn’t recognize stash as a different inventory type
  • Fixed – initial swap/move of inventory items failing or deleting items
  • Fixed – multiple swaps/moves of inventory items doesn’t match (client vs server) upon reload
  • Added delay to inventory page tabs when hovering with an item to improve UX
  • Fixed – Stash tab swaps inventory’s tabs instead
  • Fixed – needed to launch twice to start server correctly
  • Fixed – positioning of many elements in the Battle Select window, as it displayed differently across resolutions
  • Fixed – alignment issues for each page of the Settings window
  • Added Gestures to Commands section of Settings


  • Added 3 new companions
    • Scorpion (Black)
    • Scorpion (Brown)
    • Scorpion (Tan)
  • Added new wallpapers to the website
  • Begun working on our Kickstarter campaign


  • Continued working on the combat music
  • Continued recording, editing and mixing voice commands
    • Akila Fadil voiced by Nadia Marshall [complete]
    • Saada Takiyah voiced by Erikka J [complete]
    • Ovidius Valens voiced by Oliver Smith [complete]
    • Aziza Hamadi voiced by Nadia Marshall [in progress]
    • Maximus Quintius voiced by Oliver Smith [in progress]


  • Continued set dressing Rome
  • Continued modeling and texturing version 2 of the Colosseum

Colosseum Interior

Rome – Random Forest Locations

Rome Landscape