Sprint #18 has come to an end and Sprint #19 has begun. This sprint we circled back to polishing and bug fixing elements that are currently implemented. Moving into Sprint #19 we will continue to focus on polishing and bug fixing, including UI elements and functionality related to combat both within the Colosseum and Rome.
- Created a foliage volume to spawn grass and wheat fields on Rome
- Implemented the minimap icons for the Store, Quick Access Links window and the Courier notification
- Begun implementing the Quick Access Links window
- Various bug fixes
- Continued writing lore for gladiators, NPCs and the game’s general timeline
- Updated the Steam Page with new screenshots that better reflect where we are at in development now
- Continued modeling and texturing the colosseum interior
- Did a redesign and polish pass of the server select level
- Added the new skybox from Rome to all levels (ludus, server select, colosseum)
- Added a new wallpaper to the website [link]
- Added a screenshots section to the website [link]
- Continued composing the combat music