Sprint #24 has come to an end and Sprint #25 has begun. As always, we had a great sprint and were incredibly productive. We completed several tasks and milestones, including implementing our light source items. Moving into the next sprint we will continue to work on the Colosseum, lore, armor, statues, UI and backend networking tasks. We have a lot to share today, but before we get into the details we want to announce the 2022 holiday giveaway winners.
The winners of the 2022 Tier 6 Founder’s Pack Holiday Giveaway are:
- MissileMonkey
- Squirrel
- Trikeri
Congratulations winners! Your Tier 6 Founder’s Pack has been added to your account.
- Implemented our basic movement functionality for the following Specialties:
- Hoplomachus, Dimachaerus, Perfide, Murmillo, Sagittarius
- Now 6/7 Specialties implemented
- Added main-hand and off-hand sockets for all specialties to our main shared skeleton
- Implemented functionality to switch specialties within the gladiator window
- Created a Data Table for all specialty movement speeds
- Enabled the use of more complex actors as items, such as the lantern
- Implemented the light source item functionality
- Torch, Lantern, Campfire and Bonfire
- Campfires and Bonfires are consumable items and can be placed on Rome by players
- Implemented undergarments for male and female for all body types
- Begun implementing the combat music system
- Unsheathe weapon loop
- Created a Data Table for universally applying volume fade in and fade out to any sound cue loop
- Adjust fade in and fade out duration
- Curve type
- Various animation bug fixes
- Various UI bug fixes
- Created and implemented the Torch, Lantern, Campfire and Bonfire
- Completed implementing undergarments for male and female
- Created the gold eagle top for the Century’s Eagle Standard
- Continued working on the leather armor set 01
- Begun creating the second armor set
- Continued working on the Colosseum exterior statues
- Continued working on the Colosseum interior collision
- Completed creating icons for all 95 mementos.
- Created icons for light source items (Torch, Lantern, Campfire and Bonfire)
- Begun planning and experimenting with seasons and seasonal effects for foliage
- Created 5 new NPCs
- Implemented basic movement animations and created Blend Spaces for
- Gladiator Specialties: Hoplomachus, Dimachaerus, Perfide, Murmillo, Sagittarius
- Universal ‘Holding Torch/Lantern’ movement animations
- Continued working on the combat music
- Begun adding stats to Mementos
- Wrote lore for new Mementos and light source items (Torch, Lantern, Campfire and Bonfire)
- Begun writing lore for new NPCs
New NPCs