Gladiator Window
This week we focused on creating and implementing the UI elements for the Gladiator Window. This general layout we created will also be used for the Horse and Chariot windows.
- Started to implement the Stats, Equipment, Gladiator select, Attack select, and Specialty select systems
- Implemented the keybinds for the Gladiator Window [ J ], Horse Window [ K ], and Chariot Window [ L ]
- Implemented the ability to select a Gladiator, Specialty, Attacks, and view a gladiator’s Details (stats)
- Implemented the ability to buy and unlock Gladiators and Attacks
- Implemented the Gladiator Equipment Slots, Biography, and Details (stats) panels
- Implemented various search filter options for the Gladiator Window
- Implemented the Item and Attack Bar tooltip popup windows
Want to join the team?
Our team is growing and we are still looking to fill key roles. If you are interested in joining the team please visit the jobs page for more information.
– Benjie