Development Blog: Week #14

Crowdfunding Begins on June 25th, 2021

This week we finalized the crowdfunding store products and did a polish pass on the website in preparation for our development fundraising campaign, which we will be making available to supports next Friday, June 25th. The crowdfunding campaign with Founder’s Packs and more will last through development, and will be available for anyone interested in supporting the Shadows of Glory development. All funds raised go directly toward development, and will give us the ability to hire more artists, developers, pay for servers and more.


  • Cleaned up the general design and layout for a more sleek and compact feel.
  • Finalized backend work preparing the website for the store and future digital downloads of the game and more.
  • Continued with creating the store products and art.
  • Added a wallpapers section


  • Finalized our source engine build of UE5 for implementing online features.


  • Continued with creating various landscape props, foliage and plants.