Development Blog: Week #19

The Scenic Route

Heading into the final week of Sprint #5, we continue with working on setting up the online framework and greyboxing Rome. Next sprint our focus will be setting up our matchmaking and friends systems so people can group up and join a battle in the Colosseum. We will also continue with greyboxing Rome. Once the Rome greybox is complete we will then begin to paint the main roads and paths, followed by foliage.


  • Continued working on setting up the online framework
  • Automated our server build deployment pipeline
  • Begun implementing the chat window UI art elements and functionality


  • Greyboxed the cemetery area
  • Continued greyboxing the market area
  • Continued greyboxing the main roads, paths and small trails
  • Begun placing NPCs that will be used as quest givers and vendors