Six Month Recap: Weeks 1-24
As we wrap up Sprint 6 and move into 7 we wanted to do a recap of our first 6 months of development. We completed quite a bit and look forward to another awesome 6 months. Moving into Sprint 7 we will continue working on the matchmaking and online systems for creating your team, selecting and joining a battle, completing a battle, and other associated backend networking tasks.
This Week
- Created the locked button for the inventory and stash with unlock notifications
- Continued working on the friends system
- Created the Horse window
- Implemented the Settings window and have begun implementing the functionality
- Completed various backlogged tasks as we wrap up the sprint
- Added spawn volumes to Rome, Colosseum, and Ludus
- Begun designing the 3D environment background for the match loading screen
And now, lets look back at everything we did in our first 6 months.
General Development
- Established the development and implementation pipeline
- Established the QA and issue tracking pipeline
- Implemented our online functionality and backend framework
- Login
- Select a server and connect to Rome
- Multiple users logged into Rome
- Send and receive friend invitations
- Chat and commands functionality
- Automated our build deployment
- Created a Launcher and installer
- Login via your website credentials
- Download game
- Launch game
- Migrated the project to Unreal Engine 5
- Created the Shadows of Glory website
Gladiators / NPCs
- Implemented the gladiator systems and have begun working on the combat system
- General character controller that is universal to all specialties
- Equip Armor and weapons
- Stats system
- Select a Specialty, and Samnite specialty functionality, attacks and finishers
- Unlock and change gladiators
- Unlock and select attacks and finishers and add them to your attack bar
- Begun creating various weapons and shields
- Begun creating gladiators and merchants with MetaHuman
- Wrote lore for current Gladiators and Merchants
- Implemented the horse systems
- Horse controller
- Summon / Dismiss horse
- Ride / Dismount horse
- Implemented the storage system for the Inventory and Stash
- Rome
- Created the 1:1 scale section of Rome and imported the OSM terrain data
- Begun greyboxing Rome buildings, roads, paths, landmarks, locations and spawn volumes
- Begun creating foliage, world props and environment texturing
- Implemented day / night cycle
- Colosseum
- Begun creating the 1:1 scale model of the Colosseum exterior and interior
- Begun environment texturing
- Implemented day / night cycle
- Ludus
- Begun greyboxing the Ludus interior
- Implemented day / night cycle
- Begun creating sound for weapons and attacks
- Begun composing music for the launcher and in-game
- Server Select
- Created 3D environment background
- Created the UI elements
- Implemented functionality to select and connect to a server, followed by loading into Rome.
- Match Loading Screen
- Begun designing the 3D environment background
- Created the art elements and have implemented the HUD elements for:
- Gladiator status portrait with Health and Endurance bars
- Horse status portrait with Health and Endurance bars
- Attack bar to add your attacks and finishers
- Minimap
- Chat window
- Player Nameplates
- Created the art elements and have begun implementing / implemented the UI windows for:
- Gladiators
- Horses
- Citizen list
- Battle Select
- Inventory
- Stash
- Tooltips
- Notifications
- Map
- Settings
- Credits