Archers, aim… Fire!
This week marks the end of sprint #10. Moving into Sprint #11 we will continue working on matchmaking and implementing the Sagittarius specialty. We will also finalize Rome greyboxing and UI elements, which we are in the home stretch for with both. Last but not least, don’t forget to create your account for a chance to win a Tier 6 Founder’s Pack and access to Closed Beta. Visit this link for more information on the giveaway.
- Continued implementing the Sagittarius movement and basic attack animations
- Made the bows more universal
- Attached an arrow to the bow when retrieved from the quiver
- Added animation notifies for grab arrow, grab string, and release string
- Added gravity to arrows since they are all projectile based
- Ability to pick up and equip bows
- Completed the first pass of the arrow impact on players tech
- Continued working on the NPC window UI elements
- Implemented the UI elements for
- Battle countdown timer and art
- Attack bar locked/unlocked icon
- Samnite and Sagittarius crosshairs
- NPC nameplates
- NPC quest notification icons
- Continued working on the combat music
- Various website bug fixes and maintenance