As we wrap up Sprint #13 and move into Sprint #14 we near the completion of several tasks such as UI and lore. We shifted focus a bit this sprint to Steam, UI, lore and marketing. We also announced the launch of the Shadows of Glory Steam page a few weeks ago, so make sure to check it out and add it to your wishlist. We have a lot to go over so lets dive in.
Steam Page:
- Implemented the gladiator and horse portrait images on the health / endurance bar section
- Implemented the new Gladiator Window layout
- Begun implementing the horse and chariot windows
- Implemented the Stash, functionality, and sound support for the chest opening and closing
- General bug fixes, updates and alignment fixes for various UI windows
- Created the UI elements for the following:
- New player name creation on first game launch screen
- Aurei (real money) Store window
- Aurei Store activated inventory items and tooltips
- NPC Window: Ludus tab
- Ludus window
- Wood Swords window
- Quick Access links dropdown menu (additional way to open windows, keybinds are still available)
- Inspect player tooltip (allows you to view another players gladiators, horses, chariots, achievements, wood swords and ranks
- Various notifications for player name creation, create / disband ludus
New Gladiator Lore